January 13, 2025

Lightening Up!

Polimom says that it’s time to lighten up around here.  I admit that my outlook has been a bit bleak lately, but darn it, that’s why this site is called **Black Shards**, after all!  🙂

Still, good advice.  As it happens, I was contemplating the nature and depth of Barack Obama’s relationship to the country’s unions recently and I’m hopeful – there’s that word again! – that he will give them the cold shoulder now that he’s the kingpin around the U.S and decline to endorse unions’ dangerous proposal to change "card check" rules.  That would put a smile on my face!

Indeed, an Obama rejection of union muscle would be a good thing.  This should be particularly obvious given what has happened to General Motors as a result of being held hostage by its unionized work force.

But I’m supposed to be lightening up.  Rats.  I did try. 

Here’s the laugher that reminded me of Obama’s union issue:

There were two guys working for the city. One would dig a hole — he would dig, dig, dig.

The other would come behind him and fill the hole — fill, fill, fill. These two men worked furiously; one digging a hole, the other filling it up again.

A man was watching from the sidewalk and couldn’t believe how hard these men were working, but couldn’t understand what they were doing. Finally he had to ask them.

He said to the hole digger, "I appreciate how hard you work, but what are you doing? You dig a hole and your partner comes behind you and fills it up again!"

The hole digger replied, "Oh yeah, must look funny, but the guy who plants the trees is sick today."

And that’s why GM may go bankrupt, your honor.

But I digress.  The rules of the lightening up game say that I’m supposed to:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.  CHECK
2. Post the rules on your blog.  CHECK
3. Write six random things about yourself.  CHECK
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them. CHECK
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.  CHECK
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.  CHECK

6 Random Things About Myself

  1. I am a transplanted Texan, having been born and raised a Hoosier in Indiana before moving to Texas for my senior year of high school.
  2. I liked to read when time permits and my favorite book of all is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. 
  3. I was the last male Moore in our family line until my sons arrived on the scene, all 3 of them.
  4. I became a Christian at age 40 after God touched me and said, "I’m real and this may be your last change to get on-board."
  5. I’ve been working on a long political/sci-fi novel for a few years now as time – the limiting factor, again – allows.  I can now safely predict that 2008 will NOT be the year it is completed!
  6. Although I’ve got "white man’s hops" and never played basketball while in school, I’m a big gym rat and always looking for a pick-up game.  In fact, there’s one on tap for tonight.

6 People Who Ought to Lighten Up

  1. Marc Schulman – Marc, where have you been?  Back in the day Marc wrote some awesome posts, particularly this one about George Orwell and the left.  Also, I dig his first name!
  2. Chuck Moore – My dad keeps a low-key blog, which probably helps to keep his blood pressure down.
  3. David Broussard – A good friend with a keen mind who has been way too quiet in the blogosphere lately.
  4. Kathleen McKinley, AKA Right-wing Sparkle – A solid conservative voice in the wilderness of Houston Chronicle here in Texas
  5. Russell Miller – A self-described left-leaning independent I’ve had the odd back-and-forth with.  Sadly, Russell seems to have stopped blogging.  Hopefully he’ll come back to it.
  6. Sister Toldjah – Another good conservative voice who never seems to run out of energy to promote conservative values.  Rock on, sister.


Marc is a software developer, writer, and part-time political know-it-all who currently resides in Texas in the good ol' U.S.A.

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