January 19, 2025

Bill Clinton Denies Responsibility of Policy Makers Again

Former President Bill Clinton was busy today, again denying that policy makers bear any responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Apparently to Clinton and other liberal leaders, President Obama being one such, there is no correlation between their tax-and-redistribute agendas and resentment on the part of those burdened with the impact of the legislation they champion.

"We shouldn’t demonize the government or its public employees or its elected officials," Clinton said. "We can disagree with them, we can harshly criticize them. But when we turn them into an object of demonization, we increase the number of threats."

That’s certainly true. It is inappropriate to threaten harm to or physically act against any person in the absence of a threat or criminal activity.

However, political authorities whose public agenda is fundamentally premised on the idea that they have both the right and duty to forcibly take resources from one group of citizens to enrich another group would be wise to understand that they are in fact initiating hostile action against their own citizens and creating the conditions from which future confrontations will arise through their policies. Such confrontations are the inevitable and necessary result of government playing favorites among voters rather than performing its function in an impartial manner.

Unfortunately, this elementary fact is evidently lost, either deliberately or because of remarkable stupidity, on Democratic leaders and dignitaries like Mr. Clinton.

If President Obama wishes anti-government sentiment to decline, then perhaps he should redirect the efforts of his administration and Congress toward issues that the American people approve of rather than aggressively pursuing a left-wing agenda that is contrary to the wishes of the voting class.


Marc is a software developer, writer, and part-time political know-it-all who currently resides in Texas in the good ol' U.S.A.

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