February 18, 2025

Clinton Doing What She Had To

Hillary Clinton has been projected as the winner – by a comfortable margin – in the Democratic primary in Ohio and is also putting it to Obama in Texas, especially among recently-decided voters.

Currently her margin in Ohio is 14% with 73% of the precincts reporting. While there have been some irregularities in the vote in Ohio – a few precincts allegedly ran out of ballots and bad weather may have kept voters away from the polls – and some major Obama precincts have not reported their totals, all of the major news sources have called it for Clinton.

Obama’s supporters can only point to Missouri, where he came back in the late vote to win the state. Doubtful that will happen again tonight, so Hillary should cruise to victory by a wider margin than the media had predicted.

Likewise, Hillary Clinton is leading in the Texas primary as well despite media reports that she had all but lost in my home state. This despite the fact that she was ahead by nearly 10 points 5-6 weeks ago. With 55% of precincts reporting Clinton is leading by just 51,000 votes. However, Obama started the evening up by 75,000 early votes. Hillary is kicking his tail tonight, winning over 70% of the vote among people who decided in the last 3 days.

So it seems that the battle will continue, as it should, between two unique yet similar candidates – hopefully right up until the Democratic national convention.


Marc is a software developer, writer, and part-time political know-it-all who currently resides in Texas in the good ol' U.S.A.

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